
Your manufactory helper which reduces production defects

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Why choose us


With our tool you can predict incidents and control your manufacturing


We find the reason of incidents and show it in human readable format to engineers


Using explainable features of our tool you can the reasons of crashes and prevent it effectively!

Some facts about our algorithms

More than 200,000 cases analysed
99.5% Incidents detected
0 Features extracted
0 Bad cases explained
0 Cases in total

How it works

Next gen Machine Learning Algorithms

We use ensembles of neural networks and gradient boostings to detect incidents. With recent paper on uncertainty estimation published at NIPS conference we get uncertainty of model prediction, so we can see if it is confident.

For each prediction we find features that differ the most from usual behaviour and show them to the engineer to allow him to understand what is wrong.

Uncertainty estimation

With uncertainty estimation we understand if the model is confident in current prediction. For 83% of data the model has high confidence and 0% errors. This 83% of data can be processed fully automatically. And remaining 17% go to the engineer to check them.

Effective combination of Neural Networks and Gradient Boosting

We use ensembles of neural networks and gradient boostings to detect incidents. With recent paper on uncertainty estimation published at NIPS conference we get uncertainty of model prediction, so we can see if it is confident.

For each prediction we find features that differ the most from usual behaviour and show them to the engineer to allow him to understand what is wrong.